I am a retired physician and at age 71. I have reluctantly become an observer of aging skin changes. My wife uncovered a previously unseen benign seborrheic keratosis on the skin hidden in my beard. It was black brown in color and gritty and raised up and oval measuring a little over 3/4 inch in greatest dimension. I chose to use radiation hormesis in the form of ground up fine natural background radiation stone dust that measured 4.4 milliREM/hr on the radiometer. Jay had been using the dust over wrinkle areas and seeing those lines soften and become faint so I thought, why not give it a try?
Here is what I did. Each evening before bed I took a pea-size amount of the dust and rubbed it vigorously onto the lesion. About a month later I noticed that about one-third of the lesion was cracked and wanted to peel off the skin so I did a little debridement with a fingertip. Part of it came off in crusty pieces followed by a little bleeding. I rubbed more dust on it right away, the bleeding stopped quickly and I continued the nightly dust applications.
The lesion broke off the skin episodically in the same fashion and I used the dust as before. By the third month there was no trace of the lesion and that has been gone for two months now. Thank you Jay and Night Hawk Minerals for another amazing way to use radiation hormesis to patiently change an area of aging skin back to health!
Raphael J. d’Angelo, M.D.
ParaWellness Research