Dear Nighthawk Minerals,
Well, I wanted to share with you what it going on with my thyroid.
I had gone to the doctor back in 2005 and they found four nodules on my thyroid and told me to follow up on it.
Well, I finally did this last year and it did not show nodules. The entire thyroid was enlarged and they wanted to burn it out with radiation and then hopefully put me on prescription thyroid for life. It really scared me 1) because I was afraid to go to the hospital with my extreme sensitivity to foods and drugs 2) what real chance did I have of being able to take the thyroid prescription. So, I left the office to think about it.
In the meantime, since around 2004 I have had pain in the front of my neck which was increasing in severity and causes more headaches.
Finally, I decided that the pain had to go. Debbie A. at had told me about a man in Colorado who was doing something strange with radiation hormesis and she was trying it. So I called and ordered the entire kit after reading everything I could on radiation hormesis. I did everything as they recommended and saw in my blood that fungus, which is very hard to kill, was dying and my blood was looking healthier than it had for many years.
However, the pain did not go away so I said, well I have to do something. Called the doctor and went in with the intention of having my thyroid removed. He said, let me see how much it has grown. Then, to my surprise, said, your thyroid is not swollen. Why did we think it was. I said two sonograms and two ct scans verified it was enlarged. He said, you muscles in your neck are swollen and it is probably just more of your allergies. I will give you a shot and yes the shot stopped the pain.
So, if you know of anyone who needs this therapy I highly recommend it and am continuing it to get my allergies under control. I can say that with the neck pain under control I feel better than I have for years.
Thanks, Jay for going rock hunting to make jewelry.
Donnia B.
Sand Springs, OK