The Bean Project.
We wanted to demonstrate the effects of Low Level Radiation using pinto beans. 8 beans were soaked in water overnight, then placed in the jars. All beans were in the same spot the entirety of the experiement. We watered the beans with the same amount of water each day about 1/2 a cup to 1
cup of water depending on the heat of the day. We took pictures for the next week, and then at 14 days from the start. You can judge for yourself the effects.
Note: We know that Radiation Hormesis is radiation exciting cell regeneration in the body, we think it is evident how the plants respond, that they see cell regeneration as well. Note the thickness and multiple roots of the plants that are Radiated.
There are 4 jars with 2 beans each.
Green Rock Bean Jar - The beans were placed next to a green stone, and watered with non-radiated water
Radiated Water Bean Jay - The beans are only watered with radiated water
No radiation Bean Jar - The beans have no radiation exposure other than normal background radiation
Hot Rock Bean Jar - The beans are placed close to one rock that measures about 20 mRems/hr
Day 1
Day 2
You can already see the beans that are radiated have a small root growing
Hot Rock Bean
Radiated Water Bean
Green Rock Bean
No Radiation Bean
Day 6
You can see that although by day 6 the no-radiation bean has a root, the other beans have more and thicker roots. Also not shown the 2nd bean in the no-radiation jar has not grown a root, and even by day 14 never grows a root. All the other beans have grown roots.
Hot Rock Bean
Radiated Water Bean
Green Rock Bean
No Radiation Bean
Day 14
Hot Rock Bean
Radiated Water Bean
Even though this bean did not come up yet the roots are very thick and healthy
Green Rock Bean
No Radiation Bean
Notice the root broke
on this bean