Radiation Hormesis is a well researched and studied subject, and the internet has a wealth of information below is a list of sites to research.

To get a good overview of what Radiation Hormesis is and what it can do for you we suggest starting with these...

  1. Listen to the Radio interview Jay did explaining Radiation Hormesis (click here)
  2. Read this article by a Medical Doctor on Radiation Hormesis (click here)
  3. Read the book, "Because People are Dying" by Jane Goldberg with Jay Gutierrez (order the book) (more about the book)
  4. Call our Wellness Instructors at (888)563-8389 And ask questions.

We also encourage you to do your own research outside of the scope of these links:

Some of our Favorite Websites

Magnesium Deficiency and Benefits

Recommended Reading. (Most can be found on Amazon.com)

PDF Files on Radiation Hormesis

Radiation Health effects

Radiation Hormesis and Cancer

Naturopathy Digest on Night Hawk Minerals

Radiation, Fungus and Cancer


Source of Radiation Exposure


Irradiated Mice


Mice Chart


Estimated Dose of Radiation

Death Rates of
Radiated People


Clinical Success
with Radon


Lung Cancer vs