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Stone Instructions 

The stones can be used in a variety of different ways. The best way is what is comfortable for you. Constant contact is the best method to an effective response to the stones. When using the stones, mudpacks, or water stones the purpose is to get low dose radiation to the affected area. They emit such low levels that they have never been proven to be harmful. The radiation is not attacking the problem; instead, it is assisting your own body systems to respond. 

All products are thoroughly checked before leaving the shop to make sure that they are within acceptable and effective levels. These suggestions are for the average person. If you have a more serious illness, or have had a health condition for a long period, you will want to begin using the stones for a shorter period, and begin by drinking less of the water. Work gradually up to the suggested amounts below, and always listen to your body. 

You may contact your Night Hawk Minerals Wellness Instructor with any questions or concerns, at (720) 841-6384 or (303) 946-2481. 

Jay had been doing a lot of Radio Shows and Lectures. They are great ways to get more information on Radiation Hormesis. Faye continues to do lectures.

You may find them on our webpage or Youtube: Night Hawk Minerals

To host a lecture contact: or 720-841-6384

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q. If I have various areas to be treated what is the procedure?
A. We would suggest using the stone as central as possible if the areas are in different parts of the body you may divide the time you are using them. If you are unsure call your wellness instructor. 

Q. Is there any significance of the number written on the grey stone
A. The number represents the strength in millirems per hour. For example if your stone says 18, then it measures 18 millirems/hour 

Q. Regarding the influences of the stones on air travel, should the stones be packed in your suitcase or carry on airplane bags, and why?
A. They should be in your checked luggage for reasons that airlines don’t like hearing “radioactive” anything, it scares them. It is not harmful but many people are under the impression that it is. Also the mud pack could be considered a liquid. 

Q. Is there any information regarding interaction with metal plates and screws in the body? A. It will not interfere with a metal plate or screw. 

Q. Do the stones ever lose their effectiveness due to any external influence like mRem etc?
A. No they will not lose their effectiveness, even of you boil, microwave or pass them through a cat scan. 

The Green Stone: 

The green stone is the lowest radiation stone, and can be used as much as you are comfortable with. It can be held or rubbed lightly against areas of pain. It helps to heal open sores that are not healing well. Running it under hot water before use increases its effectiveness. Due to the pyroelectric nature of the quartz in the stone, the heat will create a small increase of voltage output from the stone. This has been found to increase the healing effects. It should be used directly against the skin without a cloth. It can be fragile and care should be taken not to drop it, especially on a hard surface. 

If you do drop the stone, you may try and repair it with super glue, or 5-minute epoxy from the hardware store. Be careful not to cover more than the break in the stone with the glue or you may block the healing effects.

The Water Stone: 

The small rough gray stone is the water stone. This stone is very simple to use. First rinse the stone for 30 seconds then drop it in up to 1 gallon of water. If possible, it is best to leave the stone in the water. You can remove it to wash the container and rinse off the stone, but you should keep it in the water because it takes 8 hours to charge the water. Once the water is removed from the stone it loses its charge after 3 hours. Start with about a glass of water 1-2 times a day, and then increase consumption at the rate of 1-2 glasses a day until you are drinking close to at least 8 glasses a day. 

Always remember to drink sufficient water. By the time you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. You should also drink regular water while you are increasing the amount of charged water. You can use any type of water with the stone. 

It may be refrigerated or left at room temperature. If your body is dealing with a serious health challenge it is best to drink the water at room temperature. It has also been found to do wonders for houseplants and pets; this is a good way to help keep them healthy as well. 

The Gray Stones: (The Grey stone does not come with a kit) 

When using the grey stone you apply the stone to the area(s) of concern. There is no benefit to heating this stone or running these stones under water. When cancer is in multiple areas, use the stone on the central or most aggressive area. (This might require additional stones. Consult your Wellness Instructor). 

You can wrap a cloth around your body to hold the stones against the area. Just make sure that there is only a thin layer of the cloth between your body and the stone. These stones are amazing and will work. Keep smiling and visualize fighting the disorder or having the disorder disappear, whichever technique works the best for you. 

The visualization will make the healing happen faster and is also very powerful. Smile, things will get better. Remember, laughter is the best medicine. If you have breathing problems your Wellness Instructor may have you do inhales as well. 

Inhale Directions with Grey stone 

  1. Boil the grey stone in a nice size pan. 

2. Once it starts to boil depending on the person (some let the water continue to boil and some turn off the stove for safety reasons). 

3. Breathe the steam for 5 minutes
Let face air dry (DO NOT TOWEL DRY)
Wait 30 minutes and repeat process 3 times.

Do this for a few weeks then as needed. 

When you start using the stones most people with an illness or affliction directly connected with fungus, will experience die-off. Note: If you are using this stone for reasons other than fungus and experience these symptoms, there is a possibility that you have a fungus. Contact your wellness Instructor. 

Die-off Symptoms with Grey Stone 

Experience any flu like symptoms, i.e. achy joints, headache, or nausea. Experience any swelling of your lymph nodes, hands. 

If you get any one of these symptoms, there is nothing to be concerned about. This is an indication the stones are eliminating the fungus in your body. Listen to your body and back off the amount of time you are using the stones if the symptoms become too intense. When you experience these symptoms, use the stone for 2 hours less on the next application or reduce your exposure to a level that is easier to tolerate.
If you are concerned at all please call your wellness instructor, and they help you with the next step to take. 

In some cases you may see small bumps that resemble pimples or may observe a sore that will ooze liquid with a strong odor. These are signs your body is trying to expel the fungus the stones are killing off in your body. When your body has naturally progressed through the majority of this “detox” like behavior, the bumps, or sore(s) will go away. 

How much time to use the Grey Stone 

  1. 4 Hours for 4 Days. If after 4 days of using the stone the die-off symptoms are not overwhelming, continue with the next step up of exposure time.
  2. Then 8 hours for 4 days.
  3. If your body is handling the die-off well, start using the stones as close to 24 hours a day as possible. Unless directed other wise by your Wellness Instructor.

Note: Some people may take a long time to get their body acclimated to the Radiation, it may take weeks before you can use the stones for more than 4 hours a day. Please discuss this with your wellness instructor if you have questions. 

The Necklace: 

The necklace is very beneficial and can be worn as much as you are comfortable with. It contains a stronger Carnotite stone and will directly help your thyroid, neck, throat, jaw, sinuses, head and chest. Begin wearing the necklace for about 4-6 hours a days, for the first week then increase that time until you are wearing it at least during the day. We recommend as close to 24 hours a day as possible. 

The Mudpack: 

The mudpack should stay in the plastic, so do not cut the bag. If the packing breaks or leaks, do not be alarmed. The contents are not dangerous to your skin. Do not expose the pack to extreme hot or cold temperatures; doing so may damage the plastic. You may run the mudpack under hot, warm or cold water to make it more comfortable to have against your skin. I may also be used dry. Apply this directly against the skin, or with a thin sheet between the pack and your skin. Begin with 4 hours the first day, and then increase the time that you use it. Always listen to your body and go at your own pace. It is best to work up to using it at least eight hours a day (even more is better). Sleeping with it, or sitting against it (during work for example) is an excellent way to get uninterrupted usage. It covers a larger area, and can be used anywhere on your head or body. It can be used in conjunction with the other stones. 

Eye Stones: 

The eye stones are made from the new green stone. They run .05-.1 mRem/hr. They also have an electric charge that promotes healing and stimulation. 

These stones are placed on top of the closed eye while in a reclined position. We recommend using the mudpack along with the eye stones, placing it over the eye with the eye stones on them. We suggest starting out at 1 hour per day with these stones and working up to longer periods of time. 

The 1⁄2 Mudpack: 

The mudpack should stay in the plastic, so do not cut the bag. If the packing breaks or leaks, do not be alarmed. The contents are not dangerous to your skin. 

Do not expose the pack to extreme hot or cold temperatures; doing so may damage the plastic. You may run the mudpack under hot, warm or cold water to make it more comfortable to have against your skin. I may also be used dry. Apply this directly against the skin, or with a thin sheet between the pack and your skin. Begin with 4 hours the first day, and then increase the time that you use it. Always listen to your body and go at your own pace. It is best to work up to using it at least eight hours a day (even more is better). Sleeping with it, or sitting against it (during work for example) is an excellent way to get uninterrupted usage. It covers a larger area, and can be used anywhere on your head or body. It can be used in conjunction with the other stones. 

Call your wellness instructor for more information. 

Eye Drops 

The eye drops come in a small blue bottle with an eye dropper and a small grey stone. Do not use the eye drop stone for your drinking water as it is a lower mR. Upon receiving take the top off and place the small grey stone inside the blue bottle (leave the grey stone in the bottle). After placing the grey stone in the blue bottle let sit for 6 hours. Place 2 drops in each eye once a day. Contact your NHM Wellness Instructor for more information. 

Side Effects: 

You may feel a headache, more pain, digestive challenges (similar to the flu), swelling or a temporary worsening of your symptoms. Do not worry! The stones are killing the fungus and helping to remove the poisons from your system. This is the time for your body to detox, so relax and take this time to be gentle with yourself. If the symptoms are too intense, back off and use the stones for a shorter period of time, drink less charged water and increase the consumption of regular water. You may stop using the stones and water if you absolutely need to for about 24 hours. Do not exceed this 24-hour period. Begin use again at a slower rate and try to use them as much you can tolerate. 

After the healing challenges pass, the new “side effects” are more energy during the day, better sleep at night, and a possible increase in libido for women.
The stone may change color; if they become darker or may even become black. This is normal and will not affect the way the stones work. No cleaning of the stone is necessary. 

We recommend continued use of the water stone, the mudpack, necklace and green stone even after you are well and your cancer or other health concerns are cleared up. 


Your body alone is responsible for increasing and maintaining your health and well being. Night Hawk Minerals, LLC, its associates and affiliated practitioners make no claims as to what effect if any will result from the use of our stones, packs or other natural products. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. No guarantees of any specific outcome are expressed or implied. The level of radiation in every item we sell has been tested and determined to be not harmful to human health. 

Magnesium Flake Baths